Nicholas Chim

Music Portfolio / Store

Having grown up in the working class, Nicholas uses songwriting as both catharsis and self-discovery. He believes "that there is an ideal, honest way to live and through the writing process, I'll be able to find it".

With the release of his new EP "The Greatest Enemy”, Nicholas looks set to get back on the road and reconnect with audiences. To him, rediscovering that connection between audience and performer is "the best feeling on earth and I want to keep chasing it".

Why Write Your Own Sheet Music

In between days of bringing more things to our new apartment in Paderborn , I decided to finally start writing tabs for my songs. It’s not something high up on the priority list, but I do it every time the mood takes me. You might ask, why do it at all? Between all the things that independent musicians today already do, is there even time for this? Here are a few reasons why I think writing your own sheet music is a good idea.



It was a foolhardy assumption that I would always know how to play all of these songs I wrote. To be honest, I don’t think I remember at least half of them. My old notes aren’t much help either. Instead of figuring out an old song by ear each time, I figured: why not take an extra step and commit it to digital paper? This way, I have something more detailed that I can refer to and in turn learn the song again more quickly.


Like any other language, if we don’t keep using it, we lose our ability. This applies to not just reading and performing, but also to listening and writing. Since I’m not teaching full time anymore, it’s one way I can keep practicing these skills that I put in so much effort to develop.


It is doubtful that a large number of people would buy your sheet music. However, it is still something you can easily create if you’ve learnt how to transcribe. It’s probably the one merchandise item that technically doesn’t cost a single cent to produce! So for a possible extra few dollars and some variety to your online store, why not take the time to write those notes down?

Actually, I finished the tabs for “I Want You Again” a while back, but I hesitated uploading them to my online store <link online store> because of insecurity, negative thoughts etc. But enough’s enough! I won’t let them keep their hold on me. Here’s the link to the tabs, enjoy =) 

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